Case Study:

Explore our Interpreting Services for Governments Case Study



The U.S. Department of Defense conducts military training programs lasting between 6 and 8 weeks, in different command centers across the United States. Many of these programs are designed for military personnel from other countries, which requires interpretation into a variety of languages.

Goals / Challenges


Conference interpretation between English and 8 other languages, requiring interpreters, technicians and staff able to provide top-level conference interpretation services, including the required security clearance to access the conference room where CEOs and government officials, including POTUS, would be attending.


Also needed to provide all conference interpretation equipment, including 9 fully enclosed booths, over 2,000 individual receivers for conference attendees and all support staff (technicians, conference managers and assistants) to provide seamless service.


UniVerse put together a team of top interpreters in the U.S., with the required language combinations, performed required background checks. All interpreters and staff confirmed and approved with the necessary security clearance.  

All equipment was put through security inspection and was installed and tested ahead of the event. A team of 28 staff members in total was assembled for this assignment. 

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