Remote simultaneous interpretation (RSI) and speech translation services.
Major ivy league university was holding its research conference and was interested in UniVerse’s captioning services.
Major ivy league university was holding its research conference and was interested in UniVerse’s captioning services.
For the past 15 years, UniVerse has been the provider of in-person and remote captioning and subtitling services for this college.
The captioners must be of the highest caliber, particularly when the research to be presented is highly technical or scientific in nature.
This particular event was to be held in Zoom with the caption box enabled.
UniVerse procured high-level captioners and a technician to act as a liaison between the captioners and the clients during the presentation of a research study. The presenters were from the United States and from different countries in Asia, all presenting in English. The captioners assigned experience and had prepared to provide remote captioning of highly scientific and technical topics.